

RUN :"DOC.66.txt"


Hi, fellow visitors, I know it's a troublesome, but

I changed my link once again. Solve the puzzle to go!

right now it's a little inconvenient,

i understand that.

sadly, due to unforeseen circumstances,

i'm changing the link again.

now all you need to do is find the link from this passage,

go on, won't be that bad.

trying is easy,

right it might not be.

oh, it's a string of letters,

obvious but only if you have the key.

peruse this page, and lastly,

so long, and thanks for all the fish.

now, put the alphabets together and you get? ------------.blogspot.com

EDIT: I switched back to flickerofahand. Loved it too much man!

END: "DOC.66.txt"
Continue? Y/N